Your First Line = Your Story’s Lifeline, Here’s How to Nail It.
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The beginning is make-or-break. Whether it’s the opening scene of a Netflix series, the first pages of a book, or the first notes of a song on your morning commute, those initial moments determine what holds our interest.
The same principle applies to storytelling—your opening is everything. In this issue, I’ll cover the three reasons why your story’s beginning is the linchpin, plus:
- 3 Spielberg-inspired techniques to craft a compelling opening
- A fun fact about the ‘primacy effect’ – how it relates to what comes first
- A video by Lumen that expertly hooks viewers right from the start
Let’s begin, LG
Founder Story Tip: Nail the Beginning
You're about to deliver the pitch of your life. Your innovative ideas are ready, your data is rock-solid, and your product has world-changing potential. You've spent weeks perfecting your presentation and crafting a compelling story to kick it off. But as you begin, you realize with sinking dread that your story is falling flat. Why? Because you overlooked the most critical element of your narrative.
Time and again, entrepreneurs ask me, "What's the most crucial part of a founder's story?" After a decade of immersing myself in the art and science of entrepreneurial storytelling, I can say with absolute certainty: it's the beginning.
Here are the 3 critical reasons why starting strong is absolutely essential:
#1. The Battle for Attention
This may be painful for you to hear, but if you fail to capture your audience's attention right from the start, you've already lost the war. Once their focus drifts, it's nearly impossible to reclaim. Remember, you can't win the story war at this stage, but you can certainly lose it. There’s an old saying in writing that great writers follow religiously:
The objective of the first line of whatever you are writing is to get them to read the 2nd line.
The same wisdom applies to telling your story.
#2. Cutting Through the Noise
Your audience is constantly bombarded with messages, notifications, and content. They're making split-second decisions about what deserves their attention – and this all happens at the subconscious level so they are not even aware their brain is making this decision for them. By starting strong, you're signaling that your story is worth their time and energy. It's your best shot at standing out in a sea of countless options they are considering allocating their mindshare to.
#3. The Power of First Impressions
People often stop actively gathering new information once they've formed an initial opinion. This means your opening could color your entire relationship with the audience. Moreover, as Malcolm Gladwell explored in his book "Blink," we form opinions in microseconds.
Your audience will make judgments based on the tiniest observations, so you need to be prepared to make those first moments count.
Whether you have 10 seconds at a cocktail party, 30 seconds at the start of a pitch, or 3 minutes in a shared taxi ride, that opening is your golden opportunity. It's your chance to draw them in, make them want more, and leave a positive, lasting impression. After all, it's your entrepreneurial journey – tell it right from the very beginning, and you'll be in control of how your story unfolds.
Storytelling Lessons: Feelings > Facts
"Your first sentence is your first impression. It's your handshake, your smile, your 'hello there' to the reader." ~ Stephen King
A well-crafted beginning doesn't just intrigue; it draws listeners in and makes them want to hear more. Here are 3 powerful ways to create a stellar beginning that will captivate your audience: