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Your Story is THE Most Powerful Asset You Have as a Founder.


It’s the one thing you have total control over.  You create it. You can change it. You can customize it.


Growing a business is hard.
Telling your best story will help you succeed.


Imagine you had a brand/founder story that could:

  • Convince an investor in a 30-second elevator ride to take a meeting wth you.
  • Attract the media to write a great article about you or feature your business on their podcast.
  • Position your company as uniquely YOU in a crowded marketplace.
  • Recruit driven, talented, and liked minded team members to grow your business.
  • Give you confidence in how your brand is communicated to the world.
  • Does any of that sound good?
  • Then come join us so we can help you create the BEST story for your business

Scott Harrison of Charity: Water

left his NYC partying lifestyle to change the world with water. And since then, through the help of incredible storytelling, the organization has raised over $95 million from 50,000 individuals and helped fund 17,000+ projects in 24 countries, benefiting over 2.5 million people.

Sara Blakely of Spanx

turned the tale of a cut-up pair of panty hose into a $300M in revenue per year business. Spanx is now sold in 30 countries with over 10,000 retail locations and is estimated to be worth $2 billion. Sara became the youngest self-made female billionaire in history and owns 100% her company while never spending a dime on advertising.

Drew Houston of Dropbox

turned the story of a forgotten flash drive on a 4-hour bus ride into the code for Dropbox, which now has 500 million registered users across 180 countries and generates over a $1 billion in annual sales.

Whereever you are - a story can make the differaence

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar…

  • You’ve heard “storytelling” is important for business, your branding, your messaging, your growth….
  • But you don’t know how to make it actually work for your business.
  • Or you don’t know where to start with creating one…
  • Maybe, you’ve looked at some REALLY expensive ad agencies
    (where some contracts are $4,000-$5,000/month)
  • Maybe, you’ve talked to marketing experts to help with “branding”
    (who are over $250-$350 an hour)
Create Your Story from Scratch

Perfect Your Story and Grow Your Business!

What you'll get:


  • Unlimited access and login 24/7
  • 11 Step-By-Step Modules
  • Bonus: How to Shorten Your Story
  • Bonus: Finding Your Why
  • Bonus: How to Make Your Story Stand Out
  • Bonus: Private Facebook Group
  • Founding Member Status







Why Your Story Is So Important... 

Every month over 500,000 businesses get launched. That’s 500,000 businesses competing for attention, for sales, for funding. I know it can feel like it’s impossible to stand out in this sea of startups…
But, there is a way to do it.It’s with your story.

Welcome to the Create Your Story From Scratch course – a proven step-by-step system for you, first-time entrepreneurs, to create your best story so you can grow your business.


By the end of this course, you’ll have a compelling story that will help you achieve your business goals, communicate your brand effectively, AND help customers, clients, and prospects buy into your company and offerings.

Begin Writing Your Story



What Other Business Owners Are Saying